Cats make, hands down, the most entertaining content on the internet. And how couldn’t they? (I look at the furball at my side.)

These creatures are nature’s little goofs and weirdos with some of the biggest mysteries known to hoomans It has become a meme in itself, inspiring an infinite flow of cat posts surfing around on the world wide web, making us crack up on the way.

So this time, we are diving into a goldmine of cat posts called  which is a corner of Reddit sharing all kinds of cat and kitten-related stuff. From cat pics to cat jokes and cat memes, let’s call it a treat for any feline lover out there.

Scroll down through the selection of the funniest ones right below and be sure to upvote your favorite ones!







Funny cats rule the internet and there are no questions asked. They never fail to crack us up, and hey, who doesn’t appreciate a good cat pic, meme or pun? So cats take the biggest part of the internet’s cake, and no dogs, you may wonder? Well, dogs may be trying just a little too hard.

You see, the endearing appeal of felines is that they’re fundamentally unpredictable, very jumpy, often goofy and have these weird instinct-driven behaviors. Moreover, it’s no secret that cat owners around the world enjoy photographing and taking videos of their little friends, making some of the most watched content on the internet. No wonder that  has described cats as the “unofficial mascot of the internet”—it really lives up to its name.




Meow Irl


Meow Irl

Meanwhile, the viral expert Matt Smith, co-founder of the Viral Factory, has another interesting theory that could be an answer to the internet’s obsession with all things cats. He believes it is partly because cats are so acrobatic: “Properly nourished cats and kittens love to jump and play around, and so, on a basic level, they are very entertaining to watch. They climb and balance and perform amazing feats. We are mesmerized by their agility.”

Combining their natural acrobatics (jumping through the room in the middle of night like Space X’s rocket, anyone?!) with boldness and fun-loving nature, cats are just hard to look away from. While investigating their environment, there’s a great chance they will come up with something that will make us all crack up laughing.













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